
Modelling of 3D bodies in Dialux

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to create a freeform 3D body in Dialux.
There are standard 3D bodies in Dialux, such as Cube, Extrusion volume, Frustum of a cone, Sphere and others. On the basis of those, you will create our own freeform object.

Let's try to create a support with a bracket. Take the necessary drawings and get down to work.

The bracket is represented by cylinders of different shapes. Click the tab page "Construction / Furniture and objects / Select / Vertical cylinder'. Then drag "Vertical cylinder" to the work area.
Modelling of 3D bodies in Dialux

Modelling of 3D bodies in Dialux

Further, after selecting the "Vertical cylinder", you will see a panel in which you can set its dimensions and location in space. Set the required dimensions.

Modelling of 3D bodies in Dialux
Next, switching to 3D view, rotate the cylinder.

Modelling of 3D bodies in Dialux
You will get a fragment of the future bracket.

Modelling of 3D bodies in Dialux

Do the same operations with other parts of the bracket.

Modelling of 3D bodies in Dialux
The cylinder can be rotated in the tab "Rotation" by selecting an appropriate axis.

Modelling of 3D bodies in Dialux
After, combine all the cylinders with the tool "Move", select all objects, click "Copy and arrange", give a name to the new object and click "Combine". Now, the created object will appear in the tab "Furniture and objects".

Modelling of 3D bodies in Dialux
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So, let's install your bracket on a support to be made from a cone. Select "Frustum of a cone", set the required dimensions and drag it to the work area.

Modelling of 3D bodies in Dialux

Take a look at the values of the support coordinates; to align the bracket with the support, enter the same coordinates into the bracket with a different height, in your case it's 11 m, besides, the bracket must be rotated in one plane with the support.

Modelling of 3D bodies in Dialux

A support with a bracket installed on it is ready.

Modelling of 3D bodies in Dialux
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