Masterplan and External Utilities

Composition of the scheme of architectural and planning organisation of the site territory: Questionnaire of the project author; list of the author's team; licenses of organisations; explanatory note; scheme of object location in the city plan; situational plan of object location; scheme of modern use of the land plot; scheme of planning organisation of the land plot; scheme of vertical layout and engineering preparation of the territory; plan of earth masses; scheme of planting and lighting; layout drawing; summary plan of engineering networks; scheme of motor transport traffic


Internal networks (connection of the ventilation system, boiler equipment, drainage devices, pipelines isolation, wiring, etc. inside the building) and external networks (carrying out communications, their supply to the object, arrangement of sewage wells, water supply systems, heating networks, etc.). According to the functional affiliation there are differentiated: power supply and low-current networks, heating systems (including pipelines and special heating equipment), water supply and sewerage systems, cold supply systems, gas supply systems, gas systems.

and sectors

The competence of our services allows us to work in a variety of sectors

Industrial facilities
Chemical and petrochemical industry, medical industry, mechanical engineering, metal and woodworking, light and food industry, data centers, logistics centers and warehouses
Infrastructural facilities
Networks (heat, water, electric, gas supply), Transformer substations and power lines, Wastewater treatment plants (Sewage facilities)
Commercial real estate
Business centres, hotel complexes, office premises, sports complexes, retail and entertainment centres, car parks, cinemas.
Residential real estate
Residential complexes, villas, townhouses
Power Engineering
Combined Heat and Power Plants (CHP) based on gas reciprocating engines (GPA) and gas turbine units (GTU), hot water and steam boiler houses, boiler houses with thermooil as a heat carrier
Renewable Energy
Wind power, solar power plants, biogas complexes, heat pumps, LFG energy sources, photovoltaic power plants