
Object is not shown when inserting in Revit? Why it happens

Reason 1

An object is not shown at the given level of detail.

To check, it is necessary to switch the level of detail using the button "Detail level" from "Coarce" to "Medium" or "Fine":, or in reverse order, depending on the insert object.

Object is not shown when inserting in Revit
You will notice that when you switch the LOD from "Coarce" to "Medium", the hidden object becomes visible.

Reason 2

An object is hidden in graphic visibility override.

Turn on "Properties" by right-clicking it.

Object is not shown when inserting in Revit why it happens
In "Properties", click on "Visibility / Graphics Overrides" or, if a template is applied, click on "View Template" and there on "Visibility / Graphics Overrides".

Object is not shown in Revit? 7 reasons why it happens

In the window appeared, find the category of the object (in our case "Lighting Fixtures") and put a tick in the visibility checkbox, then press "OK".

Object is not shown Revit
The object will appear in our view.

Reason 3

An object is located above the cut plane of the view.

Click on "View Range" in "Properties".

An object is located above the cut plane of the view.
Select the values of "Top" or "Cut plane", the values should be greater than the offset height of our object.

An object is located above the cut plane of the view Revit

Object inserting in Revit

The object becomes visible.

Reason 4

An object is hidden in "Worksets".

Click on "Collaborate / Worksets"

revit An object is hidden in "Worksets".

Check, if all ticks are put against the necessary "Worksets". If not, put the ticks.

Reason 5

An object is hidden by the command "Temporary Hide/Isolate".

When the object is hidden, a blue window appears.

revit An object is hidden by the command "Temporary Hide/Isolate".

Press the button "Reset Temporary Hide/Isolate". The hidden object becomes visible.

12 (2).png

Reason 6

An object is hidden by the command "Reveal Hidden Elements".

When pressing the button "Reveal Hidden Elements", a red window appears where you can notice the hidden objects.

An object is hidden by the command "Reveal Hidden Elements".

Right-click on the hidden object, "Unhide in View / Elements".

Revit An object is hidden by the command "Reveal Hidden Elements".

Close the window "Reveal Hidden Elements". Now, the hidden object is shown in the view.

Reason 7

An object is hidden using filter.

Click on "Visibility/Graphics Overrides" referred to before.

revit An object is hidden using filter.

Click on the tab "Filters" and check, if all necessary ticks are put in "Visibility"

revit An object is hidden using filter